Hope Village Hotel was founded in 1913 as a National Cancer Institute. It is designed to be a comprehensive cancer center and a world-class leader in advancing research and treatment protocols. It officially opened on April 24, 2022 and now exclusively serving the mission of the City of Hope and expand its hospitality capabilities for patients and their families. Hope Village Hotel has 147 rooms and provides more patients with convenient patient care.
Home Health Care
About Home Health Care
To help achieve Hope Village’s goal of reducing patient length of stay and hospital capacity constraints, City of Hope has partnered with Hygieia, a home health agency, to provide care before and after a patient’s hospital stay. Services are coordinated with the patient’s care team and Case Management and may include home infusions, drug delivery, and/or blood draws. While Hygieia is the preferred home health provider for City of Hope, representatives from other agencies are also welcome to see guests throughout their stay.
Provider Check-In/Check-Out: Providers are required to sign in and out at the front desk each time they enter and exit the building. As the preferred agency, Hygieia providers may park in Lot HV. Other providers may park at the Irwindale Speedway and take the shuttle to the hotel.
Staffing: Hygieia will have dedicated nurses and PT/OT staff onsite Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. They will be supervised by an MD Director. Home Health Providers from other agencies will also come to the hotel on an as-needed basis, determined by their patients’ needs.
Medication Delivery: Should hotel guests need prescription medications during their stay, they or their caregiver will work with their care team to arrange a time for medication delivery to the hotel. Patient guests or their caregivers must be available to receive their medications. Should no one be able to receive the delivery, the medication must go back to the provider or pharmacist. At no time should hotel staff receive medication on behalf of a patient.
Found Medications: If a guest leaves behind medications after checkout, medications should be discarded by Columbia.
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If you want to learn more about the New Hope Village Hotel Planned for City of Hope Campus, you may read more about it here.